Monday 4 May 2015

My first few weeks of increasing magnesium in my diet

The importance of Magnesium- the journey begins. 

It was was on one of those ordinary days and as usual I was reading some news on The daily mail on line (my little routine in the morning while my daughter watches TV and wakes up properly) when  I stumbled across  the benefits of Magnesium .  Once I started reading it sounded like I really should increase  Magnesium in my diet. 
This was about 8 or 9 days ago .......... I've lost track of the time as I've been more excited with the results. I am asthmatic and on medication daily. I thought I'd try the food route and increase Magnesium via nuts, seeds,  veg and basically anything that had higher amounts ...... even including dark chocolate.
After 24 hours of  having more Magnesium in my diet  I  stopped taking  my Ventolin inhaler and reduced my longer acting inhaler from 2 puffs in the evening to 1 . So now I'm just taking 1 fostair morning and evening .Previously I would  take a minimum of 8 puffs of Ventolin on a good day to 20 on a bad day . WOW this is totally amazing , from just  increasing magnesium ??? !!! 
My mum went for a biopsy last week and she's really run down at the moment and isn't eating that much . So at the weekend I brought her a Magnesium supplement called Floradix. I'm really hoping it will give her a bit of a boost and help her along her journey with a lung cancer operation due in a month or so.  

I really am amazed how quickly I didn't need as much medication for my asthma , I'd taken Ventolin daily since I was about 12 years old ! I have also found that I feel calmer and I've suffered anxiety since I was 21 years old on and off ........... I'm hoping over time I will see benefits in anxiety /sleep/weight/skin etc .......... my search goes on for more information...........

1 comment:

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